April 15, 2008

SE Handy Information

Here is the Sony Ericsson Handy information. This document was on SE's site, but as it somehow generated a lot of interest, SE removed it from its site. Not before we managed to get a copy though :)

As you can see, some of the details are not correct, for eg according to this document, the XPERIA X1 will be released in 2009!

But most of the information is correct and valid.

Handy Info

Products for (select location):

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Mobile Phones (by release date)


Coming soon



X1 10/02/2008 10/02/2009 10/02/2013
R300 24/01/2008 29/09/2008 29/09/2011
R306 24/01/2008 21/07/2008 24/01/2011
R306a 24/01/2008 21/07/2008 24/01/2011
R306c 24/01/2008 21/07/2008 24/01/2011
W980i 10/02/2008 14/07/2008 14/07/2011
G700c 10/02/2008 16/06/2008 16/06/2011
T280i 24/01/2008 02/06/2008 24/01/2011
T270i 24/01/2008 02/06/2008 24/01/2011
T280a 24/01/2008 02/06/2008 24/01/2011
C902 10/02/2008 26/05/2008 26/05/2011
C702a 10/02/2008 26/05/2008 26/05/2011
W760 07/01/2008 26/05/2008 26/05/2011
C702 10/02/2008 26/05/2008 26/05/2011
W760c 07/01/2008 26/05/2008 26/05/2011
G700 10/02/2008 26/05/2008 26/05/2011
C902c 10/02/2008 26/05/2008 26/05/2011
C702c 10/02/2008 26/05/2008 26/05/2011
G900 10/02/2008 26/05/2008 26/05/2011
W350a 07/01/2008 05/05/2008 05/05/2011
W350c 07/01/2008 05/05/2008 05/05/2011
W350i 07/01/2008 05/05/2008 05/05/2011
Z555a 07/01/2008 24/03/2008 24/03/2011
Z555i 07/01/2008 24/03/2008 24/03/2011
Z770i 10/02/2008 17/03/2008 17/03/2011
W380a 06/11/2007 03/03/2008 03/03/2011
W380c 06/11/2007 03/03/2008 03/03/2011
W380i 06/11/2007 03/03/2008 03/03/2011
W890i 14/06/2007 25/02/2008 25/02/2011
K660i 06/11/2007 25/02/2008 25/02/2011
W580im 28/01/2008 28/01/2008 28/01/2011
K630i 11/10/2007 24/12/2007 24/12/2010
K205i 22/10/2007 21/12/2007 21/12/2010
K858c 14/06/2007 17/12/2007 10/12/2010
W908c 14/06/2007 17/12/2007 10/12/2010
W960i 14/06/2007 03/12/2007 03/12/2010
K530c 14/06/2007 30/11/2007 13/08/2010
Z258c 14/06/2007 20/11/2007 20/11/2010
Z250i 14/06/2007 20/11/2007 20/11/2010
Z250a 14/06/2007 20/11/2007 20/11/2010
K205a 22/10/2007 22/10/2007 22/10/2010
Z750i 26/03/2007 15/10/2007 15/10/2010
Z750a 26/03/2007 15/10/2007 15/10/2010
K850i 14/06/2007 08/10/2007 08/10/2010
V640i 28/09/2007 08/10/2007 08/10/2010
K770i 14/08/2007 08/10/2007 08/10/2010
Z320a 14/06/2007 08/10/2007 20/08/2010
Z320i 14/06/2007 08/10/2007 20/08/2010
Z320c 14/06/2007 08/10/2007 20/08/2010
W910i 14/06/2007 08/10/2007 08/10/2010
T250a 08/05/2007 27/08/2007 27/08/2010
T258c 08/05/2007 27/08/2007 27/08/2010
T250i 08/05/2007 27/08/2007 27/08/2010
T658c 08/05/2007 20/08/2007 04/06/2010
T650i 08/05/2007 20/08/2007 04/06/2010
K530i 14/06/2007 13/08/2007 13/08/2010
P1c 08/05/2007 06/08/2007 06/08/2010
P1i 08/05/2007 23/07/2007 23/07/2010
W580c 26/03/2007 23/07/2007 23/07/2010
W580i 26/03/2007 23/07/2007 23/07/2010
J110c 06/02/2007 25/06/2007 25/06/2010
J110i 06/02/2007 25/06/2007 25/06/2010
K818c 06/02/2007 25/06/2007 23/04/2010
J110a 06/02/2007 25/06/2007 25/06/2010
W660i 14/03/2007 25/06/2007 25/06/2010
J120i 06/02/2007 11/06/2007 11/06/2010
J120c 06/02/2007 11/06/2007 11/06/2010
S500i 08/05/2007 04/06/2007 04/06/2010
S500c 08/05/2007 04/06/2007 04/06/2010
K220c 06/02/2007 21/05/2007 11/06/2010
K220i 06/02/2007 21/05/2007 11/06/2010
K200i 06/02/2007 07/05/2007 28/05/2010
K200c 06/02/2007 07/05/2007 28/05/2010
K200a 06/02/2007 07/05/2007 28/05/2010
K810i 06/02/2007 27/04/2007 23/04/2010
W888c 06/02/2007 23/04/2007 23/04/2010
W200a 08/01/2007 26/03/2007 26/03/2010
W200c 08/01/2007 26/03/2007 26/03/2010
W200i 08/01/2007 25/03/2007 26/03/2010
K550im 06/02/2007 19/03/2007 19/03/2010
W610c 06/02/2007 19/03/2007 19/03/2010
W610i 26/02/2007 19/03/2007 19/03/2010
W880i 07/01/2007 19/02/2007 19/02/2010
K550i 06/02/2007 19/02/2007 19/02/2010
Z310a 05/12/2006 19/02/2007 19/02/2010
Z310i 05/12/2006 19/02/2007 19/02/2010
K550c 06/02/2007 19/02/2007 19/02/2010
W830c 28/09/2006 11/12/2006 04/12/2009
W830i 28/09/2006 11/12/2006 04/12/2009
W700i 10/12/2006 10/12/2006 01/08/2009
W700c 10/12/2006 10/12/2006 15/05/2009
W958c 25/09/2006 30/10/2006 30/10/2009
K320i 28/09/2006 23/10/2006 23/10/2009
Z558c 28/09/2006 16/10/2006 16/10/2009
W950i 13/02/2006 16/10/2006 25/09/2009
Z558i 28/09/2006 16/10/2006 16/10/2009
Z550a 28/09/2006 09/10/2006 02/10/2009
Z610i 22/08/2006 25/09/2006 25/09/2009
K610im 19/06/2006 25/09/2006 25/09/2009
W850i 18/05/2006 25/09/2006 25/09/2009
W710i 18/05/2006 11/09/2006 11/09/2009
W710c 18/05/2006 11/09/2006 11/09/2009
Z710i 18/05/2006 11/09/2006 25/09/2009
Z710c 18/05/2006 11/09/2006 25/09/2009
K618i 08/08/2006 21/08/2006 21/08/2009
P990i 10/10/2005 31/07/2006 10/07/2009
K790a 28/02/2006 24/07/2006 24/07/2009
K790c 28/02/2006 24/07/2006 24/07/2009
K790i 28/02/2006 24/07/2006 24/09/2009
Z550c 18/05/2006 17/07/2006 17/07/2009
Z550i 18/05/2006 17/07/2006 17/07/2009
Z525i 10/07/2006 10/07/2006 10/07/2009
M608c 06/02/2006 03/07/2006 03/07/2009
K800i 28/02/2006 26/06/2006 26/06/2009
K610i 13/02/2006 26/06/2006 26/06/2009
V630i 23/05/2006 26/06/2006 26/06/2009
K310c 28/02/2006 19/06/2006 19/06/2009
K310a 28/02/2006 19/06/2006 19/06/2009
K310i 28/02/2006 19/06/2006 19/06/2009
Z525a 04/04/2006 09/06/2006 09/06/2009
M600i 06/02/2006 29/05/2006 29/05/2009
W300i 28/02/2006 15/05/2006 15/05/2009
W300c 28/02/2006 15/05/2006 15/05/2009
K510c 28/02/2006 08/05/2006 08/05/2009
K510a 28/02/2006 08/05/2006 08/05/2009
K510i 28/02/2006 08/05/2006 08/05/2009
J100i 13/02/2006 05/04/2006 03/04/2009
J100c 13/02/2006 03/04/2006 03/04/2009
J100a 13/02/2006 03/04/2006 03/04/2009
W810c 04/01/2006 27/03/2006 27/03/2009
Z530c 28/02/2006 27/03/2006 03/04/2009
Z530i 28/02/2006 22/03/2006 03/04/2009
J220i 14/11/2005 13/03/2006 13/03/2009
J220a 14/11/2005 13/03/2006 13/03/2009
J220c 14/11/2005 13/03/2006 13/03/2009
J230i 14/11/2005 06/03/2006 06/03/2009
J230c 14/11/2005 06/03/2006 06/03/2009
W810i 04/01/2006 06/03/2006 27/03/2009
Z300a 14/11/2005 12/12/2005 12/12/2008
Z300i 14/11/2005 12/12/2005 12/12/2008
Z300c 14/11/2005 12/12/2005 12/12/2008
W900i 17/10/2005 28/11/2005 28/11/2008
W900c 17/10/2005 28/11/2005 28/11/2008
W600c 28/11/2005 28/11/2005 28/11/2008
W600i 13/06/2005 24/10/2005 24/10/2008
W550i 08/08/2005 03/10/2005 03/10/2008
W550c 08/08/2005 03/10/2005 03/10/2008
J210i 13/06/2005 29/08/2005 29/08/2008
Z520i 13/06/2005 29/08/2005 29/08/2008
Z520c 13/06/2005 29/08/2005 29/08/2008
Z520a 13/06/2005 29/08/2005 29/08/2008
J210c 13/06/2005 29/08/2005 29/08/2008
W800i 01/03/2005 28/07/2005 28/07/2008
K608i 13/06/2005 25/07/2005 25/07/2008
K758c 25/07/2005 25/07/2005 25/07/2008
J300a 01/03/2005 25/07/2005 25/07/2008
W800c 01/03/2005 18/07/2005 18/07/2008
V600i 07/06/2005 30/06/2005 30/06/2008
K600i 14/02/2005 30/06/2005 30/06/2008
J300c 01/03/2005 01/06/2005 01/06/2008
J300i 01/03/2005 01/06/2005 01/06/2008
D750i 10/03/2005 16/05/2005 16/05/2008
K750i 01/03/2005 16/05/2005 16/05/2008

Accessories (by release date)


Coming soon



HPM-77 10/02/2008 14/07/2008 10/02/2013
ISP-70 10/02/2008 26/05/2008 26/05/2013
ISP-80 10/02/2008 26/05/2008 26/05/2013
HCB-150 10/02/2008 10/05/2008 12/05/2013
HBH-DS205 07/01/2008 05/05/2008 05/05/2013
MAS-100 07/01/2008 14/04/2008 14/04/2013
CCR-70 10/02/2008 14/04/2008 14/04/2013
CDS-75 10/02/2008 14/03/2008 14/03/2013
ICE-40 14/01/2008 03/03/2008 03/03/2013
ICE-45 14/01/2008 03/03/2008 03/03/2013
HBH-PV712-Style Edition 08/01/2008 18/02/2008 18/02/2011
HBH-PV712 07/01/2008 18/02/2008 18/02/2013
HBH-PV708 07/01/2008 04/02/2008 04/02/2013
HCB-105 11/10/2007 28/01/2008 21/01/2012
HBH-PV770 07/01/2008 28/01/2008 28/01/2013
HBH-PV703 06/11/2007 21/01/2008 21/01/2013
IDC-21 07/01/2008 14/01/2008 14/01/2013
IDC-24 07/01/2008 14/01/2008 14/01/2013
IDC-22 07/01/2008 14/01/2008 14/01/2013
IDC-23 07/01/2008 14/01/2008 14/01/2013
HBH-IV840 14/06/2007 19/11/2007 19/11/2012
MBS-100 11/10/2007 29/10/2007 29/10/2012
HBH-GV435a 14/06/2007 29/10/2007 29/10/2012
ISP-40 08/05/2007 22/10/2007 22/10/2012
MDS-65 14/06/2007 22/10/2007 22/10/2012
MBW-150 Executive Edition 14/06/2007 08/10/2007 08/10/2012
MBW-150 Classic Edition 14/06/2007 08/10/2007 08/10/2012
MBW-150 Music Edition 14/06/2007 08/10/2007 08/10/2012
HPM-90 14/06/2007 24/09/2007 24/09/2012
BST-39 01/01/2006 17/09/2007 17/09/2012
MMR-70 14/06/2007 14/09/2007 30/07/2012
HGE-100 14/06/2007 10/09/2007 10/09/2012
BST-40 05/09/2007 05/09/2007 05/09/2012
HCH-72 16/07/2007 27/08/2007 27/08/2012
HBH-DS980 08/05/2007 13/08/2007 13/08/2012
HCK-40 13/08/2007 13/08/2007 13/08/2012
ISP-60 07/08/2007 08/08/2007 08/08/2010
HPM-83 14/06/2007 06/08/2007 06/08/2012
BST-38 08/05/2006 23/07/2007 23/07/2012
HBH-DS220 14/06/2007 23/07/2007 23/07/2012
HCH-70 16/07/2007 16/07/2007 16/07/2012
HCB-100E 25/06/2007 25/06/2007 25/06/2012
HBH-DS200 14/06/2007 25/06/2007 25/06/2012
MPS-75 14/03/2007 11/06/2007 11/06/2012
IPK-100 14/03/2007 28/05/2007 28/05/2012
MPS-70 06/02/2007 30/04/2007 30/04/2012
HCH-71 23/04/2007 23/04/2007 23/04/2012
HBH-PV702 06/02/2007 10/04/2007 10/04/2012
HBH-PV710 06/02/2007 09/04/2007 09/04/2012
MRC-60 06/02/2007 26/03/2007 26/03/2012
CDS-65 06/02/2007 26/03/2007 26/03/2012
HCB-120 06/02/2007 26/03/2007 26/03/2012
MBR-100 07/01/2007 05/03/2007 05/03/2012
HPM-75 06/02/2007 05/03/2007 05/03/2012
HBH-PV705 Style Edition 08/01/2007 08/02/2007 08/02/2012
IPJ-60 12/01/2007 12/01/2007 12/01/2012
HCB-100 28/02/2006 31/12/2006 31/12/2012
HBV-100 05/12/2006 27/12/2006 27/12/2009
GCA14 29/11/2006 29/11/2006 31/12/2099
GCA11 01/01/1970 29/11/2006 31/12/2099
HPM-64 06/11/2006 20/11/2006 20/11/2011
HPM-85 18/05/2006 16/10/2006 16/10/2009
ISP-30 30/07/2006 25/09/2006 31/12/2008
CMT-60 18/05/2006 25/09/2006 21/08/2011
IAC-60 18/05/2006 11/09/2006 11/09/2011
HPM-82 18/05/2006 04/09/2006 31/07/2008
MMC-70 19/06/2006 04/09/2006 04/09/2009
ISP-25 30/07/2006 31/07/2006 31/12/2008
ISP-35 30/07/2006 31/07/2006 31/12/2008
MDS-60 04/01/2006 24/07/2006 31/12/2009
HCH-60 10/10/2005 17/07/2006 21/11/2008
HBH-PV705 28/02/2006 17/07/2006 17/10/2008
HBH-GV435 28/02/2006 13/07/2006 27/10/2008
HCH-65 10/07/2006 10/07/2006 01/01/2009
HCH-64 10/07/2006 10/07/2006 01/01/2009
HCH-69 10/07/2006 26/06/2006 01/01/2009
CST-75 18/05/2006 26/06/2006 26/06/2011
HCH-67 10/07/2006 15/06/2006 01/01/2009
HPM-65 18/05/2006 12/06/2006 31/07/2008
MBW-100 13/02/2006 10/06/2006 30/04/2008
HCH-66 10/07/2006 05/06/2006 01/01/2009
HBH-DS970 13/02/2006 29/05/2006 29/05/2009
HCH-68 10/07/2006 08/05/2006 01/01/2009
HBH-IV835 28/02/2006 08/05/2006 08/05/2009
MPS-60 04/01/2006 10/04/2006 04/03/2009
MDS-70 17/10/2005 27/03/2006 27/03/2009
HBH-610a 22/02/2006 24/02/2006 21/02/2009
MMR-60 17/10/2005 02/01/2006 02/01/2009
HBH-PV700 10/10/2005 31/12/2005 31/12/2008
HCH-63 17/10/2005 07/11/2005 07/11/2008
MMV-200 01/03/2005 25/10/2005 25/10/2008
HPS-60 13/06/2005 24/10/2005 24/10/2008
HCH-41 03/10/2005 03/10/2005 03/10/2008
HCE-26 13/06/2005 26/09/2005 26/09/2008
HCH-62 19/09/2005 19/09/2005 19/09/2008
HPM-70 01/03/2005 05/09/2005 05/09/2008
HPB-60 01/03/2005 29/08/2005 29/08/2008
HBH-610 13/06/2005 22/08/2005 22/08/2008
MMC-60 01/03/2005 05/08/2005 05/08/2008
BST-18 26/07/2005 27/07/2005 27/07/2008
CST-10 26/07/2005 27/07/2005 27/07/2008
CDS-60 01/03/2005 04/07/2005 04/07/2008
BST-37 14/02/2005 27/06/2005 31/12/2009
HBH-608 01/03/2005 30/05/2005 30/05/2008
MXE-60 01/03/2005 16/05/2005 16/05/2008
CST-60 01/03/2005 16/05/2005 16/05/2008
HBH-662 01/03/2005 16/05/2005 16/05/2008
HCH-61 01/03/2005 16/05/2005 16/05/2008
DCU-60 03/01/2005 16/05/2005 16/05/2008
CLA-60 04/04/2005 04/04/2005 04/04/2008
BST-36 01/03/2005 01/03/2005 31/12/2009
BST-33 01/10/2004 08/11/2004 01/01/2009
ICE-30 01/10/2004 20/10/2004 30/06/2008
IAC-25 09/03/2004 24/05/2004 30/06/2008
IEC-20 21/10/2003 01/11/2003 30/06/2008
ICE-26 03/09/2003 01/10/2003 30/06/2008
ICE-25 12/03/2003 21/03/2003 30/06/2008

PcCards (by release date)


Coming soon



EC400g 10/02/2008 09/06/2008 09/06/2013
EC400 10/02/2008 09/06/2008 09/06/2013
MD-300 06/11/2007 08/03/2008 08/03/2013
PC300 06/02/2007 03/09/2007 01/09/2012
GC86 07/06/2006 01/09/2006 01/08/2011
GC89 25/10/2004 01/04/2005 01/04/2008
GC83 20/04/2004 30/06/2004 01/07/2010


Anonymous said...

What all information isn't correct?

Unknown said...

Am not sure actually.SE has password protected the link to the handy info on its site, so one can't really confirm.
But most info should be correct.

karun said...

Cool! Thanks a ton...this stuff is awesome! :)

Unknown said...

wow..according to this, the support for my k750 is gonna end soon.

Unknown said...

Yeah...thats true. Support is supposed to end on the 15th of this month.I too have a K750, nd its still one of the most well built phones by SE.

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