October 5, 2008

Sony Ericsson to launch a Symbian Foundation handset next year

Sony Ericsson President Hideki Komiyama said that he is aware that Sony Ericsson has problems and admitted to over diversifying and that they are working on innovative products. There have been a lot of handsets and to be blunt some of them have been either unnecessary given the existence of other handsets in SE’s portfolio or just haven’t added much to the market that previous handset’s didn’t already offer.

Now we have Mr Lindoff, speaking at the launch of PlayNow Plus, saying that Sony Ericsson over-diversified in Q3.

There were probably too many devices in the portfolio in Q3. We developed products that have not been ranged by operators. It makes no sense to develop it if we are not damn sure it’s ranged.

its good to see that the company is finally realising the mistakes it has made, and is signalling the start of a turnaround. We'd love to see how things shape up, and hope that SE is back to its winner ways and give us new pathbreaking handsets as it used to give us in the past like the T68i, the T610, the P800, and the K750.

Mr Lindoff had more to say though as he also talked about Sony Ericsson’s smart phone plans. He made the claim that the X1 is primarily aimed at the U.S. market, which seems a little strange given that it will be released there after being released in European markets. But as windows mobile is the dominant platform there, SE's move doesn't come as a surprise.

Mr Lindoff wasn’t one for stopping and he continued his comments by talking about smart phone platforms. Android, Google’s open source mobile platform, is something that Sony Ericsson are apparently interested in at least, but Lindoff was cautious in commiting to it. He commented that Sony Ericsson might develop an Android handset, presumably as part of the Xperia line given previous comments by Sony Ericsson to the effect that Xperia isn’t tied to WinMo. However, he cited a lack of resources as preventing Sony Ericsson from realising this any time soon.

Symbian Foundation appears to be more important to Sony Ericsson though as Sony Ericsson already have Symbian Foundation handsets in development, with the first coming next year as part of the Xperia line. The good news for mobile geeks is that it is promised to be very high-end! Lindoff is quoted as saying:

We will launch a Symbian Foundation handset in the next year. There will be really high-end Xperia devices.



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