There was some disappointment when Sony’s 2012 flagship handset, the Xperia S, shipped with Gingerbread on board instead of Ice Cream Sandwich. The company did promise an update, and true to its word, Ice Cream Sandwich is now rolling out to the Xperia S, bringing with it a bevy of new features. Sony has tweaked some of the entertainment apps such as Walkman, Movies, and Album, and you’ll get all the functionality that Ice Cream Sandwich brings to the table too.
June 21, 2012
Xperia S Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich update now rolling out
There was some disappointment when Sony’s 2012 flagship handset, the Xperia S, shipped with Gingerbread on board instead of Ice Cream Sandwich. The company did promise an update, and true to its word, Ice Cream Sandwich is now rolling out to the Xperia S, bringing with it a bevy of new features. Sony has tweaked some of the entertainment apps such as Walkman, Movies, and Album, and you’ll get all the functionality that Ice Cream Sandwich brings to the table too.
Exciting new features and interface make it unique Smartphone from others. Now you can do even more with music. You can display visuals to enhance the experienced. You can also play audio on other device from latest DLNA technology. Thanks for sharing these kind of information in this video. Thanks again.
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